Swipe Right

And Match IT!

Our AI makes job searching effortless!

Install the app. Craft your profile.

Swipe right to you dream job!

Match IT

Our Values

Match IT

Companies choose you based on knowledge and selected criteria, and you reveal your identity only when you have a successful match!

Match IT

Salary. Benefits. Stack. You always know exactly what you are offered.

Match IT

100% precise algorithm shows only the positions that suit YOU!

Match IT

Create your profile in just 4 easy steps and SWIPE your way to your dream job!

Match IT
Match IT

Choose technologies and years of experience

Match IT

Choose the salary you want at your future position

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Choose the benefits that make an ideal surrounding

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Choose where you wanna work from

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Tap for more information about the position and the company

Match IT

Swipe left in case you think it is not the right position for you at the moment

Match IT

Swipe right if the position is the RIGHT MATCH for you!

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Veljka Dugoševića, Beograd

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